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ngrok Agent Changelog


ngrok Agent 3.18.0 - [2024-10-17]

  • Added --name field for endpoints and tunnels when created from the agent config or CLI

ngrok Agent 3.17.0 - [2024-10-10]

  • Added endpoint create/update/delete subcommands to the ngrok api command
  • Added support for policy phases like on_tcp_connect, on_http_request and on_http_response
  • Fixed a bug where we were incorrectly passing TLS as the endpoint proto rather than HTTP(S).

ngrok Agent 3.16.1 - [2024-10-03]

  • Added windows arm64 agent binary.

ngrok Agent 3.16.0 - [2024-09-09]

  • Releasing the features originally released by 3.15.0
    • Added --url agent CLI flag for creation of HTTP(S), TLS, and TCP protocol endpoints.
    • Deprecated --domain, --scheme, and --remote-addr agent CLI flags, which have been replaced by --url.
    • Added --metadata and --description agent CLI flags when using --url.
    • Added endpoints: as a new field used for endpoint creation.
    • A new agent: field has been added to the agent configuration format for V3.
      • v3 supports both tunnels and endpoints. Tunnels are now considered deprecated when using config v3.
      • Some agent configuration fields have been renamed in v3.
      • v2 is still supported, but does not support the new endpoints: , or agent: fields.
    • Added support for endpoint fields in ngrok's api.
  • Update config commands to support new configuration version 3, including upgrade, add-authtoken, and add-api-key

ngrok Agent 3.15.1 - [2024-08-29]

  • Restores the functionality and compatibility for version 3.14.0 due to bugs in the previous release. An updated version with the changes from 3.15.0 will be released early next week.

[UNSTABLE] ngrok Agent 3.15.0 - [2024-08-29]

  • Added --url agent CLI flag for creation of HTTP(S), TLS, and TCP protocol endpoints.
  • Deprecated --domain, --scheme, and --remote-addr agent CLI flags, which have been replaced by --url.
  • Added --metadata and --description agent CLI flags when using --url.
  • Added endpoints: as a new field used for endpoint creation.
  • A new agent: field has been added to the agent configuration format for V3.
    • v3 supports both tunnels and endpoints. Tunnels are now considered deprecated when using config v3.
    • Some agent configuration fields have been renamed in v3.
    • v2 is still supported, but does not support the new endpoints: , or agent: fields.
  • Added support for endpoint fields in ngrok's api.

ngrok Agent 3.14.0 - [2024-08-01]

  • Added support for traffic_policy field in agent config for Traffic Policy configuration.
  • Deprecated policy
  • Added EndpointTrafficPolicy module to Edge API.

ngrok Agent 3.13.0 - [2024-07-15]

  • In some cases, adds additional headers on error responses to ngrok that can be used to customize the content.

ngrok Agent 3.12.1 - [2024-07-11]

  • Fixed a bug in ngrok diagnose that would cause a panic if a server IP and the agent had TLS connectivity issues.
  • Added --traffic-policy-file flag that accepts Traffic Policy configuration for HTTP, TCP, or TLS traffic.
  • Deprecated --policy-file flag

ngrok Agent 3.12.0 - [2024-06-27]

  • Errors now have links to ngrok error page.

ngrok Agent 3.11.0 - [2024-06-13]

  • ngrok http now has timestamps for incoming requests.

ngrok Agent 3.10.1 - [2024-06-06]

  • Requests to TLS endpoints using proto: tls and terminate_at: agent succeed after the agent session goes through a reconnection.

ngrok Agent 3.10.0 - [2024-05-23]

  • ACTION MAY BE REQUIRED: The domain used for Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checks is now to align it with the domain used for session connections. This may require changes to your firewall or proxy settings to allow this outbound connection on port 80, or setting crl_noverify: true in the agent config file.
  • Added CLI API support for Bot Users.

ngrok Agent 3.9.0 - [2024-04-24]

  • Added a /api/status endpoint to the local agent API that returns the agent's current status
  • The agent will check the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) on Session initiation. If a custom agent ingress is being used that has an invalid CRL in the chain, the crl_noverify: true option can be used to override this check, if desired
  • Certificate Revocation List (CRL) checking for certain Let's Encrypt certificate chains has been fixed

ngrok Agent 3.8.0 - [2024-03-14]

  • Added json support to Traffic Policy configuration
  • Moved to ngrok-go v1.9.1

ngrok Agent 3.7.0 - [2024-03-07]

  • Fixed an issue where ngrok diagnose --region all would return an error for eu-lon-1
  • Fixed a typo in default usage output
  • Moved to ngrok-go v1.9.0

ngrok Agent 3.6.0 - [2024-02-06]

  • Added --policy-file flag that accepts Traffic Policy configuration for HTTP, TCP, or TLS traffic.
  • Added support for policy field in agent config for Traffic Policy configuration.
  • Added concise help text when ngrok is run without any args
  • Removed support for Windows 7 and Windows 8 (support for Windows 7 and 8 was dropped in Go 1.21)

ngrok Agent 3.5.0 - [2023-12-01]

  • The --region flag has been deprecated, ngrok automatically chooses the region with lowest latency
  • The upstream tls configs have been renamed, with backwards compatibility:
    • --verify-upstream-tls is now --upstream-tls-verify
    • --upstream-ca-path is now --upstream-tls-verify-cas
  • An option for --app-protocol of the upstream, which can be set to http2, has been added
  • The StopTunnel message is now handled by the agent

ngrok Agent 3.4.0 - [2023-11-03]

  • Added support for upstream TLS verification when forwarding to https:// or tls:// addresses.
    • --verify-upstream-tls enables TLS verification of server TLS certificates
    • --upstream-ca-path sets the certificate authority used to verify upstream server certificates

ngrok Agent 3.3.5 - [2023-09-26]

  • Added support for the User Agent Filter module that allows or denies traffic to HTTPS endpoints based on incoming user agents.
  • Added --ua-filter-allow and --ua-filter-deny flags that accept a list of regular expression strings

ngrok Agent 3.3.4 - [2023-08-18]

  • Fixed a bug where the agent running as a service would log to syslog even when another log destination was specified
  • Fixed a bug where the agent could incorrectly ignore dns_resolver_ips

ngrok Agent 3.3.3 - [2023-08-11]

  • Added new us-cal-1 region which will reduce latency for users in the western half of North America

ngrok Agent 3.3.2 - [2023-07-27]

ngrok Agent 3.3.1 - [2023-06-05]

  • Fixed a bug where colons in request header and response header values were not allowed (e.g. --request-header-add "Access-Control-Allow-Origin:")
  • Fixed a bug introduced in v3.3.0 where --terminate-at edge was not using the correct TLS certificate

ngrok Agent 3.3.0 - [2023-05-09]

  • Added new default tunnel ingress names: the agent now connects to when starting a session
  • Improved ngrok diagnose output to check that the DNS entry for localhost resolves
  • Added the command ngrok config add-server-addr for configuring custom agent ingresses
  • Re-wrote the tunnel and session backend to use the ngrok-go library

ngrok Agent 3.2.2 - [2023-03-27]

  • Fixed a bug introduced in v3.2.1 with tab complete for command line flags

ngrok Agent 3.2.1 - [2023-03-13]

  • Deprecated the --subdomain and --hostname flags.
  • Updated all --subdomain and --hostname examples to use --domain.
  • Fixed a bug where the agent did not resolve local DNS correctly on macOS arm64
  • Allow specifying ngrok --region=auto to pick the closest region (defaults to auto)
  • Support for the NGROK_API_KEY environment variable when using the ngrok api subcommand
  • --log-format=json now results in more output being formatted as json

ngrok Agent 3.1.1 - [2023-01-13]

  • Expanded diagnosis coverage when running ngrok diagnose to include testing against all regions and additional debug information of the underlying system.
  • Updated --config option to be accepted in any position with cli command.
  • Fixed ngrok config add-authtoken <AUTHTOKEN> to also save the default version if it does not exist in the config file.
  • Fixed rare race condition where agent would crash unexpectedly.
  • Added DNS rebinding protection which includes web_allow_hosts configuration.

ngrok Agent 3.1.0 - [2022-09-14]

  • Started signing Windows executables with a code signing certificate. Includes polish for Windows executable properties like description and icon.
  • Updated the root CA recognized by new agent versions. Improves incident recovery and mitigation options.

ngrok Agent 3.0.7 - [2022-08-17]

  • Added --region flag to the ngrok diagnose command. Including support for --region all to diagnose all regions.
  • Ignore the --config flag when passed to a command that does not support it.

ngrok Agent 3.0.6 - [2022-06-30]

  • Fixed issues with replay not displaying requests in the ngrok Agent web UI, console UI, and API.
  • Fixed null pointer issues with ngrok diagnose command.

ngrok Agent 3.0.5 - [2022-06-22]

  • Fixed a formatting issue in the inspector web UI for the header navigation.
  • Updated the start tunnel API to allow starting labeled tunnels using a list of strings as labels.

ngrok Agent 3.0.4 - [2022-05-27]

  • Added the ability to provide messages to users via the agent console.
  • ngrok config edit will now allow you to edit an invalid configuration file.
  • Updated the display of the latency number in the console UI to be more human readable.

ngrok Agent 3.0.3 - [2022-04-26]

  • Fixed a bug on Windows where running the agent from explorer did not open a cmd prompt.

ngrok Agent 3.0.2 - [2022-04-11]

  • Fixed a bug that was not allowing users to start tunnels via the API.

ngrok Agent 3.0.1 - [2022-04-04]

  • Added ngrok config edit command to open the config file in your default editor.
  • Removed invalid --proxy-proto flag from the ngrok start command.
  • Added a migration to the ngrok config upgrade command to convert basic auth config parameters.
  • The ngrok agent API will now error if invalid values are passed to it. Previously it ignored them.

ngrok Agent 3.0.0 - [2022-03-28]

For more information about upgrading from previous versions of the agent to v3.0, see our upgrade guide.

  • Fixed an issue where an agent would not reconnect after removing a reserved domain from your account.
  • Added ngrok completion to enable autocomplete for the cli.
  • Added proxy_proto option for enabling and specifying the HAProxy's PROXY protocol version.
  • Added the ability to set the connect_interface for the agent.
  • Renamed bind_tls to schemes.
  • The agent UI now display ping time.
  • Added the ngrok diagnose command to the agent for troubleshooting connection issues.
  • Added the ngrok config command for managing the configuration file.
  • Added the ability to call the ngrok API from the agent using ngrok api.
  • Added the ngrok service command to manage the ngrok agent as a service.
  • All ngrok agent configuration files must now include a version number to indicate the format.
  • Added the ability to start Labeled Tunnels to the agent that work with the new Tunnel Group backend.
  • Renamed the "Clear" button to "Clear Requests" in the inspect UI to make it clear as to what it's doing.
  • Fixed an issue where running ngrok authtoken would make changes to your tunnel definitions.
  • The inspect UI will now pretty-print content types ending in +json.
  • Fixed an issue where the inspect UI was adding unwanted HTML tags to JSON bodies when replayed.
  • The ngrok agent now logs to stdout by default when console_ui: false.
  • Command line arguments must use single hyphen for single letter options, and double hyphen for longer names.
  • The ngrok agent now fails when there are keys in the config file it doesn't understand. Previously it ignored unknown options.
  • Using the --host-header rewrite option puts the original host header value into the X-Forwarded-Host header field instead of the X-Original-Host header in an attempt to be more standard.
  • Combined http_proxy and socks5_proxy configuration options into a single option (


ngrok Agent 2.3.X

If asked to forward to port 443, ngrok will now automatically forward HTTPS traffic instead of HTTP. This change would only affect you if you previously ran a server accepting unencrypted HTTP on port 443. To workaround this, you may specify an explicit http URL if you need the old behavior: ngrok http http://localhost:443.

If run under sudo, the ngrok agent previously consulted the sudo-ing user's home directory file when looking for its default configuration file. It now consults the home directory of the assumed user. To workaround this, you may specify an explicit configuration file location with the -config option.

ngrok Agent 2.2.X

The ngrok agent API no longer accepts application/x-www-form-urlencoded request bodies. In practice, this only affects the /api/requests/http/:id endpoint because posting to the /api/tunnels endpoint with this type of request body previously caused ngrok to crash.

This change was made to help protect against maliciously crafted web pages that could cause a user to inadvertently interact with their local ngrok API.

ngrok Agent 2.1.X

Behavior changes for http and tls tunnels defined in the configuration file or started via the API that do not have a subdomain or hostname property.

proto: http
addr: 80

Given this example tunnel configuration, behavior will change in the following ways.

Old Behavior

Starts a tunnel using the name of the tunnel as the subdomain resulting in the URL

New Behavior

Starts a tunnel with a random subdomain, for example a URL like

How to keep the old behavior

Add a domain property with the same name as the tunnel:

proto: http
addr: 80